A New Kind of Non-12 Step Support Group
The idea for these meetings was borne out of continual work with people who have expressed interest in finding recovery support groups that aren’t based on the 12 steps, aren’t religiously-affiliated or dogma-driven, and incorporate a mindfulness approach. These requests have come from people in treatment, those in long-term recovery, from family members and from therapists for their clients.
Centered Recovery Programs can’t possibly grow fast enough to have locations easily accessible in all states, and so providing something that offers real help, right now, for free, is the best thing we can provide now, and those who have been participating in the beta testing programs have provided incredible feedback.
An Evolving Process
Like our programs, these meetings are open to evolution. There is no definitive number of ways that people can get better or find benefit in a support group setting, and we intend on sharing future updates from our ongoing application as well as from relevant feedback from group facilitators around the country. One of the surest ways to stop growth or learning is to already thing you have all the answers. We believe we have something that truly helps, and intend to keep sharing improvements on the format and process.